View this post on Instagram Day 004: Baby Steps Skipped a lot of the color section because I'm familiar with rgba and xyzw, but I'll have to revisit when I'm more awake to understand the math of hsv. So I moved on to shapes and struggled. I got the concept for the most part, but I'm too mentally exhausted to figure out how to get it to follow my mouse correctly and I want to be able to get it to that point because if you can get it to follow a mouse, you can get it to do pretty much any realtime interactivity with at least two values. Here are some abstract things I made fiddling around with provided code. I really wish the variables weren't just 1-3 letters. #100daysofshadersandtextures #100daysproject #100dayproject #shader #shaders #glsl #bookofshaders #shapes #ouscrippsmfa #learningprocess A post shared by Hope Moore (@hopemoore27) on May 14, 2020 at 8:49pm PDT Resources:The Book of Shaders