View this post on Instagram Day 22: Shader Graph in Unity 15 min. to follow a tutorial by Brackeys, 3 hours of trying to get a working Unity file to load with one of the pipelines required for Shader Graph. Apparently, there's a bug and you fix it by not having spaces in the file path and having short names. I'm glad I learned GLSL and TouchDesigner before trying Shader Graph because I understand what I'm doing with it. #100daysofshadersandtextures #100daychallenge #100dayproject #100daysproject #shaders #shader #shadergraph #unity #unity3d #fresnel #fresneleffect #glow #iridescent #ouscrippsmfa A post shared by Hope Moore (@hopemoore27) on Jun 1, 2020 at 11:08pm PDT Download the Project File Tutorial I followed: Resources:Unity 3D