View this post on Instagram Day 87: The Horse in Motion Today, I woke up with this idea of using changing textures/materials on objects based on position or proximity to create animations. To test my idea, I used images from one of Eadweard Muybridge's 1878 The Horse in Motion cabinet cards. The first example of chronophotography, it was originally used to analyze the horse's gait, but painted versions were later projected for an audience creating the earliest known motion picture exhibition. This test shows the materials updating as the camera follows the horse and one where the image changes as you approach. #100daysofshadersandtextures #100daychallenge #100daysproject #100dayschallenge #100dayproject #Unity3d #unity #csharp #creativecoding #animation #thehorseinmotion #muybridge #horseinmotion #materials #learningprocess #ouscrippsmfa A post shared by Hope Moore (@hopemoore27) on Aug 5, 2020 at 7:26pm PDT Download the Unity Project File Resources:Unity