Mock Wires

It was like a movie with two guys (good and bad) trying to get out of a building that had a bomb.

The good guy looked like any hero guy on an action movie, early 30’s, strong type. The second guy was the bad guy and was slightly overweight with a temper. The good guy tried to get him out of the building, even though the bad guy wasn’t cooperating.

The good guy said to the bad guy, “You can’t hurt me, can you?”

The bad guy doesn’t say anything.

“I didn’t think so,” the good guy said.

He decided to leave the bad guy behind. There was this green liquid or it could have been just water just reflecting something green. The good guy jumped in to find a way out. The liquid was at least 10 ft. deep. The good guy swam over to a mirror. Thinking it was a window, he banged on it. Then, he found a connecting hallway or office and climbed up onto the floor.

He stood up, thinking he had left the bad guy behind. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the bad guy grabbed a grayish black phone off the desk that was in the room and hit the good guy on the head with it. The good guy fell to the floor, but got back up. He shoved the bad guy into the wall. There was a whole fight scene.

Then, the elevator doors opened and this lady that looked like a combo between the doctor on Cube and the lady that was helping the family hide on Don’t Look Behind You. She was the head of the police department and grabbed the good guy’s shoulder (I guess he worked for the police) and dragged him to the elevator. The bad guy followed him and the lady said, “Who is this creep?”

Later, my dad and I were reporters on the scene. They showed us this bomb with what they called “mock wires,” where the maker puts a bunch of fake wires to make the bomb look more explosive and complicated. It was to make a person disarming the bomb struggle to figure out which wire to cut. The bomb squad narrowed it down to wire number 4 (there was 10 in all). They clicked a switch on the last wire and it didn’t go off, so the bomb squad thought it was a dud. I, however, saw the fuse light up and start to smoke. They took it away and I just waited for it to pop.

In another dream, there was a cigarette floating in the air. It was lit and spinning in circles. The smoke got to me, so I blew it away from me. Then, to my right, there were cigarette ashes floating in the air.

Then, I woke up.

This was originally posted in The Dream Directory.

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