
In waking life, scientists were able to hook up wires/chip to a mouse and control its actions. In my dream, a law was passed to where everyone had one of these chips put in their brain stem. People could opt out – it’s America, after all – but were required to get them if they wanted to get a government-issued ID, driver’s license, passport, etc. and criminals were given them no matter what and homeless people had to get them for any assistance…

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Hat Guy

I remember sleep paralysis where instead of the “shadow people” a lot of people get with sleep paralysis, I got one of those “hat guys” (as I called them in the dream) that look like Men in Black. Just like that past dream, I don’t remember the man’s face and I wasn’t afraid of him, but, instead, afraid of being reprimanded for something I did wrong or something I failed to do…

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