Don’t Let Them In!

Dream 1

I was visiting a friend who was paranoid about someone trying to enter her apartment. She held back one door and I noticed another door that led to the outside hallway. I pushed it closed, despite the black, fluffy winter coat on the floor that was caught in the door. The doors were painted brown.

I later remember moving to another part of the room and could see out into the hall through a window in the door she was holding shut.

We prepared to fight as the elevator right outside the door dinged and opened – but it ended up being an innocent neighbor. He was a nice-looking guy my age with large, thick hipster glasses and he was holding a world globe. He looked at us through the window and was confused. He left to go to his apartment.

That’s when I realized the older door to my right opened to an elevator shaft of some sort and thought that would be the place a smart intruder would try.

Dream 2

I remember being in a cafeteria-like room with circular tables. Some “leader” was introducing me to a new guy to my left. I don’t think it was the globe guy – not only was he not wearing thick glasses, but had lighter hair than the globe guy. He seemed nice, but I eventually got up to throw something away. However, I was a little frustrated when I kept finding more stuff in my bag to toss and thought being away from the table would look like I was being rude to the guy.

Dream 3

I vaguely remember something about looking at a photo album and it being grabbed away from me and closed. There was something to do with lavender and pink. I don’t remember what was on any of the photos.

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